PRANA Viewer
The PRANA® software for polysomnography and biosignal processing has powerful computing capabilities and modularity allowing multiple software plug-ins to be executed efficiently.
Various software plug-ins for general and specific purposes are already available:
- the spectral power analysis plug-in
- the spectral coherency analysis plug-in
- the feature extraction plug-in
- the heart-rate variability analysis plug-in
- the oxygen desaturation analysis plug-in
- the cardio-pulmonary cycle analysis plug-in
- the event series analysis plug-in
- the event waveform analysis plug-in
- the automated scoring plug-in*
All the software plug-ins can be executed in a single run by using the software plug-in launcher. Additional plug-ins can easily be implemented using the software developer kit.
Spectral Power Analysis
The software power spectral analysis plug-in allows the study of human and animal brain functions by measuring EEG powers and frequencies using adjustable settings.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- single-run multiple channel processing,
- adjustable settings (window length, overlap, windowing type, maximal frequency, averaging type and length),
- automatic artifact removal using a quality threshold,
- selectable spectral parameter extraction (absolute powers, relative powers, mean frequency and peak frequency),
- default settings for quantitative human EEG,
- user-definable settings.
The software power spectral analysis plug-in of the PRANA® software features state-of-the-art quantitative biosignal time-frequency analysis. Quantitative analysis can be carried out easily and independently of the recording collection system, which allows ensure data from different studies to be compared.
Spectral Coherency Analysis
The software spectral coherency analysis plug-in allows studying brain functions by measuring EEG temporal-spectral coupling between different brain areas.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- single-run processing of multiple and selectable channel pairs,
- adjustable settings (window length, overlap, windowing type, maximal frequency, averaging type and length),
- automatic artifact removal using a quality threshold,
- selectable coherency parameter extraction (coherence and phase),
- default settings for quantitative human EEG,
- user-definable settings.
Thanks to the software spectral coherency analysis plug-in, the PRANA® software provides an analytical capability with an adjustable temporal resolution of the spectral coupling between biosignals.
Feature Extraction
The software feature extraction plug-in allows for biosignal time-varying analysis by extracting from the signals any mathematically defined features.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- single-run processing of selectable set of channels,
- multiple features extraction for each channel,
- adjustable analysis settings (feature selection, signal filtering, window length, averaging type and temporal resolution),
- user-programmable features using simple m-file functions,
- automatic artifact removal using quality threshold,
- saving and loading analysis settings,
- default settings for human EEG, EOG and EMG analysis,
- user-definable settings.
With the PRANA® software feature extraction plug-in, temporal analysis of any biosignals using any mathematical function can be performed. New signal processing features can thus be easily implemented and evaluated by the user.
Software functions for biosignal feature extract: absolute and relative powers; mean and peak frequencies; correlation dimension, spectral, sample, approximate, Shannon and Tsallis entropies; Hjorth activity, complexity and motility; statistical descriptors such as minimum, maximum, sum, difference, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis and slope; wave peak and root-mean-square amplitudes, inflexions and zero-crossings.
Heart-Rate Variability Analysis
The software heart rate variability analysis plug-in allows the study of human and animal autonomous nervous function by detecting heartbeats from any ECG signal and measuring heartbeat intervals variability using standard methods.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- ECG channel selection and filtering,
- QRS-complex detection using a validated algorithm,
- adjustable QRS-complex detection settings for any species,
- displaying and editing QRS-complex detection results directly from the ECG traces,
- ectopic heartbeat detection using adjustable settings,
- time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of NN-intervals using adjustable time window and overlap settings and artifact removal,
- default settings for human HRV analysis,
- user-definable settings,
- direct compatibility with various cardio-frequency meters.
With the software heart rate variability analysis plug-in, the PRANA® software allows for high-quality HRV analysis independently of the recording system.
Oxygen Desaturation Analysis
The software oxygen desaturation analysis plug-in allows to study the level in human and animal of blood oxygen saturation. It enables using adjustable settings the detection of phases of desaturations from signals derived from pulse oxymetry. After a prior artifact-processing step, the software plug-in detects phases of oxygen desaturation with an accurate localization of their onset, offset, peak and through. The software plug-in then extract time-varying averaged measures of oxygen levels and desaturation phases on an epoch-per-epoch basis.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- channel selection and resampling for pulse oxymetric signals,
- artifact identification and selection of signal correction algorithm,
- graphically adjustable desaturation detection algorithm settings,
- selection of output variables to be included into a report,
- default settings for human pulse oxymetry analysis,
- user-definable settings.
The software oxygen desaturation analysis plug-in together with the PRANA® software allows for high-quality cardio-respiratory analysis independently of the recording system.
Cardio-Pulmonary Cycle Analysis
The software cardio-pulmonary cycle analysis plug-in allows the study of human and animal cardio-pulmonary and autonomic functions. It enables using adjustable settings the detection of cycles from any oscillatory signals such as respiratory flow, effort, pulse and arterial pressure captured from various sensors. After a detection of cyclic phases onset, offset, peak and throughs, the software plug-in extract time-varying averaged measures of cycles amplitude and frequency on a epoch per epoch basis.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- channel selection and filtering for respiratory, pulse, arterial pressure signals,
- cycle phases (onset, offset, peaks, throughs) detection using a validated algorithm,
- graphically adjustable algorithm detection settings,
- displaying and editing detection results directly from the corresponding traces,
- ectopic cycle detection using adjustable settings,
- time-domain cycle analysis (rate, amplitude and volume) using adjustable time window and artifact removal,
- default settings for human cardio-pulmonary cycle analysis,
- user-definable settings.
The software cardio-pulmonary cycle analysis plug-in together with the PRANA® software allows for high-quality cardio-pulmonary analysis independently of the recording system.
Event Series Analysis
The software event series analysis plug-in allows the study of human and animal event distributions and event associations. It enables using adjustable settings to match multiple analysis requirements. Whether resulting from manual scoring or automated detection, the software plug-in extracts time-varying average measurements of event distribution and association on an epoch-per-epoch basis.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- adjustable selection of source data from session, montage and event files,
- adjustable selection of analysis time range and resolution,
- adjustable selection of event types, event associations and calculation metrics,
- user-definable settings and quick regeneration of software default settings.
The software event series analysis plug-in together with the PRANA® software allows for high-quality analysis of event distributions and event associations independently of the recording system.
Event Waveform Analysis
The software event waveform analysis plug-in allows the study in human and animal of the signal waveform and signal characteristics related to any given type of spontaneous or evoked events. It enables using adjustable settings to match multiple analysis requirements. Whether resulting from manual scoring or automated detection, the software plug-in extracts the event-related waveforms and extract multiple features on an epoch-per-epoch basis.
With its graphical interface, this user-friendly and flexible software plug-in features:
- adjustable selection of source data from event files,
- adjustable selection of analysis time range and resolution,
- adjustable selection of multiple event types to be included into analysis,
- adjustable event-related waveform selection options including signal filtering, waveform triggering and result exporting options,
- adjustable event-related feature extraction options including selection of multiple features, feature extraction windowing, unifomizing and exporting options,
- cross-signal feature extraction to derive information extracted from differents signals such as sleep/wake score, average hear rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, etc..
- user-definable settings and quick regeneration of software default settings.
The software event waveform analysis plug-in together with the PRANA® software allows for high-quality analysis of event-related signals independently of the recording system.
Automated Scoring*
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*Compatible only with specific recording settings. Validity test required.
PhiTools provides advanced software solutions and services for biosignal processing, sleep analysis, psychophysiological research and clinical trials. PhiTools, software tools and services for psychophysiology, polysmonography and chronobiology.