PRANA Viewer
From a graphical user interface, the PRANA® Software Suite's Viewer program allows quantitative and visual analysis of multiple polygraphic signals using various montage, re-referencing, filtering options as well as artifact correction and signal denoising based on blind source separation (BSS).
Its complete navigation and search tools ensure a fast and easy recording reviewing and interpretation. Recording annotation and stage scoring can be undertaken easily by simple mouse-clicks and keybord key-presses inserting markers and scores directly from the traces. The PRANA Viewer program also offers an expert scoring system adapted to various classification rules (human/animal sleep and vigilance analysis, haemorrhagic shock, anaesthetic depth, etc.). Any recording portions can be scored by several experts on an epoch-by-epoch basis with selectable epoch durations.
A series of additional graphically interfaced modules accompany the PRANA® Software Suite for polysomnography and biosignal processing. These optional software plug-ins feature general to specific time-varying or event-related quantitative biosignal analysis as well as various transient event and pattern detection methods. Report generators can instantly edit and print comprehensive study reports available as portable computer files including data statistics and graphical representations.
The PRANA® Software Suite supports various data-formats and can be used with digital recordings from virtually any computerized acquisition systems allowing full interoperability between collection and analysis systems.
Direct reviewing support
The software package file-format library supports direct reading of recording files from the following systems:- AcqKnowledge recordings (*.acq) from Biopac Systems, Inc.
- BrainLab v3 recordings (*.sig) from Schwartzer/OSG.
- BrainVision Analyzer recordings (*.vhdr) from BrainProduct GMBH.
- Dataquest ART recordings (*.txt) from DataScience International.
- Deltamed recordings (*.dsc) from DeltaMed SaRL.
- DigiTrace recordings (*.w18) from Digitrace-Telefactor.
- Eclipse/Monitor recordings (*.eeg) from Stellate Systems, Inc.
- European Data Format recordings (*.edf) from the EDF/EDF+ consortium.
- Embla and Embletta recordings (*.ebm) from Embla.
- Endymion recordings (*.dat) from the Hôpital Erasme, Bruxelles.
- Medilog MR9200 recordings (*.008) from Oxford Instruments, Inc..
- Micromed recordings (*.trc) from Micromed.
- Microtronics SAC recordings (*.opt) from Oxford Instruments, Inc..
- Neurofax EEG 2100/1100 recordings (*.eeg) from Nihon Kohden.
- Neuroscan 32 and 64 bit recordings (*.cnt) from NeuroSoft.
- Nervus/Profile recordings (*.eeg) from Oxford Instruments, Inc..
- NetStation simple binary recordings (*.raw) from Electrical Geodesics, Inc..
- PSG Gamma recordings (*.psg) from Grass AstroMed.
- Rhythm/Monitor recordings (*.eeg) from Stellate Systems, Inc.
- Sommeil recordings (d.*) from FORENAP.
- Ultrasom NT recordings (*.raw) from Nicolet Sleep.
- Zurich System recordings (*.hdr) from Zurich Pharmacology Institute.
Additional results importing
The software package file-format library supports importing additional data stored under the following file formats:- Single-row ASCII scores (*.txt).
- Endymion scores (*.txt) from the Hopital Erasme, Bruxelles.
- Zurich System scores (*.vis) from Zurich Pharmacology Institute.
- Rembrandt export scores and events (*.txt) from Embla.
- Nihon-Khoden export scores (*.txt) from Nihon Kohden.
- BrainLab export scores and events (*.xls) from Schwartzer/OSG.
- Medatec binary scores (*.don) from Medatec.
- Biosleep EDF scores (*.wrs) from Oxford Instruments, Inc.
- Actiwatch & Actiwatch Plus actigrams (*.awd) from Cambridge Technology.
- Mini Logger Serie 2000 Heart Rate Data logger interbeat intervals (*.hr_) from Mini Mitter.
Additional digital recording types can be implemented on demand when the file format used tostored the data is known. For any information, contact us at:
Multiformat data exporting
Independently of the original recording format, the software supports various export options for raw signals to final outcomes:- European Data Format recordings (*.edf) from the EDF consortium.
- LORETA EEG/ERP files (*.lor) from the KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research.
- MATLAB binary files (*.pra).
- Raw binary int16 files (*.bin).
- Standard ASCII text files (*.txt).
A software-specific ASCII file format with tabulation separators and standard headers containing all the information necessary to encode various data types ensures exporting and importing the results obtained from any analysis or detection software plug-ins. All results can be opened using any text-file editor (Notepad, Write, etc.).
PhiTools provides advanced software solutions and services for biosignal processing, sleep analysis, psychophysiological research and clinical trials. PhiTools, software tools and services for psychophysiology, polysmonography and chronobiology.