PRANA Profiler

topProcess Options

Efficient time series processing: Profiler features various tools to further process and manipulate your time series thus allowing to prepare data for statistical and illustration purposes.

Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
Raw sleep EEG frequency band powers
Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
... after triangular moving average smoothing
Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
... after further decimal log-transformation
Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
The resulting sleep EEG spectrum
Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
... with movement times excluded
Screenshot of Profiler Processing Options
and after temporal normalisation on sleep cycles duration

Compute new parameters:

Smooth time series:

Transform time series and shift units:

Reduce time series temporal resolution:

Re-sample and linearize time series:

Sort time series according to several criteria:

PhiTools provides advanced software solutions and services for biosignal processing, sleep analysis, psychophysiological research and clinical trials. PhiTools, software tools and services for psychophysiology, polysmonography and chronobiology.