PRANA Profiler
Process Options
Efficient time series processing: Profiler features various tools to further process and manipulate your time series thus allowing to prepare data for statistical and illustration purposes.
Compute new parameters:
- relative powers,
- power ratio (alpha slow wave index, etc...),
- site ratio (antero-posterior, interhemispheric, etc ...).
Smooth time series:
- moving mean average,
- moving median average,
- robust least mean squares,
- distance-weighted least squares,
- sharp-weighted filter median hybrid.
Transform time series and shift units:
- z-scores normalization,
- decibels (log-transformed powers),
- square root (amplitude spectra).
Reduce time series temporal resolution:
- mean averaging,
- median averaging,
- standard deviance.
- slope
Re-sample and linearize time series:
- nearest,
- linear,
- cubic,
- spline.
Sort time series according to several criteria:
- Time range,
- Sleep stage,
- Sleep cycle.
PhiTools provides advanced software solutions and services for biosignal processing, sleep analysis, psychophysiological research and clinical trials. PhiTools, software tools and services for psychophysiology, polysmonography and chronobiology.